I hate Sunday all the people who crowd the streets, ostensibly to rest.
Saint Augustine wrote that one would find in an eternal paradise Sunday ... Life is just a long wait until the weekend.
It takes centuries to tolerate idleness idleness Sunday.
It is not unreasonable to suggest that if England has not been invaded
since 1066 is that foreigners dread having to spend a Sunday.
In the life of schoolgirl on Monday made the mistake of succeeding
Sunday, and not to be further illuminated by radiation from Thursday.
On Sunday, we exchange the troubles of the week against Boredom.
The river empescha battle on Sunday, even as the perpetual temporisement of Abdelmelech
He returned to St. Felix the following Sunday, to serve his day [attend the summons] in ENDEMAIN ensuing against David said
You Cerchez who frank sated, long days that workers Sundays
The hand Saturday, holds a broom is that Sunday caress best.
Would not only in terms of time allocation, religion is not very
efficient. There are so many other things to do on Sunday morning.
On Sunday, the kids are bored. Vienna comes the week, Monday Tuesday
Thursday because the street is always full Light and noise!
Sunday clears the rust of the whole week.
As Laughing Friday cry on Sunday.
Sunday clears the rust of the whole week.
I want that there is so poor peasant in my kingdom he did every Sunday his boiled chicken.
Which was, and as only soupecon presumptivement consenting homicide
made by his people, imprisoned vendredy and Sunday tried and executed
At vendredy he was condempne to be hanged; but for what pendart
[executioner] estoit not there, he was differed mode even to the Sunday
that said ...
Holy Church is the pasque the first Sunday that comes after cele moon
plain [in March], porce that Jesu Crist resuscita death in him jor
Sunday, good day, good work, Typhoon haired snake ....
Nulz sees [is] RTI haulte Mass; For Sunday, for the press, all together and every one is going [merely] Moult legierement a low