love Short status for whatsapp

My Hearts beats only for you.

I want vitamin "U"

I think love is fearless.

Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favourite

You are my favorite reason to lose my sleep.

Love is like a Air ..We can’t see it but! we can feel it.

A man in love is not complete until he is married…… Then he is finished.

True love doesn’t have happy ending …it has No ending.

You are the sunshine that starts my day.

My “Heart” is always your!

All I need is your love.

Hindi Love status 

Zindagi mein jung, nafrat se nahi,
pyar se jiti jati hai.

मेरी दिल की दिवार पर तस्वीर हो Teri,,और तेरे हाथों में हो तकदीर मेरी.

क्या ऐसा नहीं हो सकता हम Pyaar मांगे,,और तुम गले लगा के कहो, ‘और कुछ ? 

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