Wel Come 2016 Whatapp Status SMS Shayari Quotes New Year

Good Bye 2015 & Welcome 2016 SMS–whatsapp status shayari wisesh, Happy New Year 2016 celebrations will start with December month as it is the biggest festival in present days. Many events & programs are organized to welcome New Year. People also send wishes, messages, sms, quotes, wallpapers, images, cards and sayings on this event.

" Yet another year has passed by
Don’t waste time in thinking how much you have lost
But, thank God, that He has given you yet another chance
To see the brilliant morning of a fresh New Year.
Happy 2016!. . . . . "

Oh my dear, forget your fear
let all your dreams be clear
never put tear, please hear
I want to tell one thing in your ear
Wishing you a very happy new year

I wish you to have a
Sweetest Sunday,
Marvelous Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Wonderful Thursday
Friendly Friday
Successful Saturday
Have a great Year 2016

Let your new year’s morning begin with sunshine full of energy, and all the Woes Be in decline, And bring all the Vibes with new energy, wishing you a Happy New Year 2016.

 Most tougher good byes are those Goodbyes Which could not be said or could be explained, But go ahead with positive energy and ultimate fun and gusto… and say, Goodbye 2016 welcome 2016

you will be my hardest goodbye as so many good memories are
Filled with you. It would be hard to let you go. But I have to look
Forward to 2016 and all the good things it brings along.

Thank you for making me a better person,
thank you for making me learn from my
Lessons , thank you for making me a stronger
person and most of all thank you for bringing
Me this far in life. I will miss you.
Goodbye 2015 Welcome 2016!

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